Sunday, May 30, 2010

Go To Sleep

It's true, I have been known to be a total grouch in the mornings, occasionally.  I'm not normally this way, but I know I don't want to do anything or deal with anybody until I've had something to eat and then I'll be fine (I'm not a coffee drinker).

A few months ago I read a book called The Hibernation Diet.  One of the main concepts of the books is about how honey fuels the liver and the effects that has on our body.  What I learned is that the liver converts glucose and fructose that we consume into energy.  Since we eat thruoughout the day, we continually keep the liver fueled.  During the night however, our bodies often use up that fuel supply and the liver can literally be on empty in the morning.  That is why you can feel sluggish, draggy, ucky or grouchy when you get up. 

Having a couple of spoonfuls of honey in the morning will refuel the liver and get you back on track.   Don't forget about all the energy you use during exercise too.  Eating honey before and/or after exercise will help your body recover faster from using all those carbs. 

Try this and see what you think.  Once I started doing this, it was like Wa La!, the Grouchies are gone  (my husband is even happier about this than I am).  The Hibernation Diet has alot more information about how great honey is for the body.  If you would like to read it, you can find copies at the following places.

Mann Lake Bee Keeping Supplies 

Saturday, May 29 is Honey Bee Awareness Day.  Let's show our little friends some loving. 

Celebrate Honey Bee Awareness Day


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