Thursday, March 18, 2010

To Do List

March Chores:

If you've medicated your hives, remember to remove all medication in time for the nectar flow, no one wants to get that stuff in their honey.

Monitor the hives to be certain they are not preparing to swarm since this is the season for it.  One indication that they are preparing to swarm is that they are trying to produce multiple queen cells.  If you find these, simply cut them out.  Swarming may be a natural occurance, but to a beekeeper, it's not really a good thing.  During a swarm, half of the colony will leave.  That means that the populations suddenly drops dramatically, and there is half the honey being brought in until they get their poplulation back up to normal which can take about a month.  This can put a big dent in your total honey harvest.

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