Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Get Ready Now

It may be 20 degrees outside and I may want to stay inside my home as much as the bees do, but there is still work to do.  January is a good time to check all my equipment.  I know I have a few supers that are showing signs of rot.  I use the ones in poor condition to store frames.  Several hives need some touch up painting.  I'm also checking the condition of the frames.  If any have turned black or are damaged, they'll be replaced. 

If you are just starting out or need to replace a queen and haven't placed your order with a supplier yet, it's time to hop to and get it done.  If bee suppliers aren't maxed out on filling orders yet, they soon will be.   

It's also time to make sure you have enough equipment.  If not, you can order anything you need from a supplier in the right hand side bar.  Get what you need now and you'll have plenty of time to get it all assembled and painted.

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