Friday, February 5, 2010

Bee Brains & Bee Flowers

Don't underestimate the bee brain.  Bees are considered to be among the smartest in the insect kingdom,  with their highly developed colonies, and the hierarchies that exist therein.  In fact, though the brain of a bee is only a cubic millimeter, it has the densiest neurophile tissue (the stuff that makes our brains work) of any animal.  That includes us too.

This plant is Borage, and is nicknamed "bee's bread" because bees love its nectar-rich blooms.  This is the herb plant for those with great taste and who like to taste their plants too.  The hardy annual has leaves that taste like cucumber, and planting them near tomatoes actually improves your tomato's flavor.  Mainly, the bees would love you if you planted some Borage.

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